Thursday, October 28, 2010


いま、わたしわ ロースクールのとしょかんの中 べんきょします。このとしょかんわ としょかんしずかです、そして あたらしです。ここ ロースクール べんきょします。つくえわ 大きいです、そして まども 大きいです。このとしょかんわ あかるいです。いいですね。

わたしわ ドアのひだりとまどのまえ べんきょします。From here I can see much of サウスクワドとゴレデンドム。For me, the environment in which I study is very important for my efficiency. If the へやわ うるさい、I cannot concentrate.

このしゃしんわ ふるいしゃしん of the ロースクールのとしょかん。I believe that このたてものわ renovated last year, because it was closed when I visited ノートルダム大学。

I plan on using this library very often for my serious studies, or just when I need to get away from あたしの うるさいともだち!:)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010



いま、リブースさんとわたしは in the basement of O'Shag because of the imminent tornado warning.  We are supposed to be in ほんごのじゅぎょ、でも they have not lifted the warning yet. てつがくを べんきょしました、そして フェスブクを しました。So let's talk about something completely random...


コーヒーは わたしの生。スタバで のいます、そした I like the Fair Trade brew they have in the dining hall. If I'm short on time, I go to the vending machines and grab a フラップチーノ like this!

Actually, I had one of these whilst filing downstairs for this random tornado warning. Personally, I believe that スタバ has some great コーヒー but sometimes the prices run a little too high for my liking. That's why I like these pre-made ones; for some reason they like to charge an extra $1.50 for a plastic cup, ice, and whipped cream.

I used to work in a カフェ when I was younger, so the caffeine monster got me early in life. Despite the bad effects it had on my sleeping habits, I developed a deep appreciation for well-made コーヒー。It all starts with the beans. If flavored and ground properly, your コーヒー will be all the better for it.

I wish all カフェ ground their コーヒー with one of these old-fashioned grinders. The new electric ones do help keep the コーヒー fine, but it greatly affects the robustness of the flavor. Give me a simple cup of Vermont Breakfast Blend and this view, and I will be happy as a clam... with コーヒー。

As you can see, my isolation in this basement is beginning to affect my sanity. So I am going to cease my rambling and leave you with this completely unrelated video. If I escape this tornado alive, I will let you know how this adventure ends. 


Sunday, October 24, 2010



I have had a wonderful vacation and am actually blogging from the airport in Boston. I know it's rather last minute, but I had quite a busy あさやすみ.  わたしは あまり しゅくだい ありません。

でも、it is now the time to talk about わたしのりょう!パスクレライストハルに あります。むらさきいベッド います。ちいさいです、でも あかるいのしずかなです。大いまど あります。わたしのルムマトは とても いいです。おなまえわ ジェニファです。ジェニファさんは とても きれいです、そして コネキクトから きました。

これは へやのしゃしん!これは わたしのベッドとつくえ。たかいですね!わたしのりょうは ときどき きたないです、でも たいてい きれいです。あそれは おしいれです となりドア。あたしのへやは いいです!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Best of the Best


As I finish わたしの しゅうくだい、I would like to share with you the song that has been stuck in my head all day long. This song is none other than "The Way You Look Tonight," by old blue eyes Frank Sinatra.

どしてですか?あのう、せんしゅうのきにょうびに パーテイに いきました。The theme was "Roaring Twenties," and it was so much fun! わたしの とまだちは Purcell Pavilionで ダンス『dance』しました。Everyone dressed in old-fashioned clothing, like fedoras and pearls! I love this era so much; I wish I could have grown up learning swing dance or the Charleston.

でも、こんしゅうのしゅまつ レゲンデス『Legends』で スウェイング『swing』のダンスのパーテイが あります!そして、いきます!